A detailed history of Adapt Investment Managers Sa transactions in Dollar Tree, Inc. stock. As of the latest transaction made, Adapt Investment Managers Sa holds 250,000 shares of DLTR stock, worth $19.2 Million. This represents 0.49% of its overall portfolio holdings.

Number of Shares
Holding current value
$19.2 Million
% of portfolio


0 transactions
Quarter Operation Price Per share shares change shares Held SEC Form

Others Institutions Holding DLTR


  • Ticker DLTR
  • Exchange NASDAQ
  • Sector Consumer Defensive
  • Industry Discount Stores
  • Shares Outstandng 223,936,992
  • Market Cap $17.2B
  • Description
  • Dollar Tree, Inc. operates discount variety retail stores. It operates in two segments, Dollar Tree and Family Dollar. The Dollar Tree segment offers merchandise at the fixed price of $ 1.25. It provides consumable merchandise, including candy and food, and health and personal care, as well as everyday consumables, such as household paper and ch...
More about DLTR
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