Oregon Pacific Wealth Management, LLC Ssga Active Trust Transaction History
Oregon Pacific Wealth Management, LLC
- $102 Billion
- Q4 2024
A detailed history of Oregon Pacific Wealth Management, LLC transactions in Ssga Active Trust stock. As of the latest transaction made, Oregon Pacific Wealth Management, LLC holds 41,328 shares of SRLN stock, worth $1.72 Million. This represents 1.69% of its overall portfolio holdings.
Number of Shares
41,328Holding current value
$1.72 Million% of portfolio
1 transactions
Others Institutions Holding SRLN
# of Institutions
572Shares Held
141MCall Options Held
48.3KPut Options Held
Bank Of America Corp Charlotte, NC10.7MShares$446 Million0.04% of portfolio
Wright Fund Management, LLC Santa Monica, CA7.83MShares$326 Million11.19% of portfolio
Arizona Psprs Trust Phoenix, AZ7.74MShares$323 Million10.41% of portfolio
Morgan Stanley New York, NY7.43MShares$310 Million0.02% of portfolio
Goldman Sachs Group Inc New York, NY6.86MShares$286 Million0.05% of portfolio