American Portfolios Advisors Guggenheim Strategic Opportunities Fund Transaction History
American Portfolios Advisors
- $2.36 Trillion
- Q3 2022
A detailed history of American Portfolios Advisors transactions in Guggenheim Strategic Opportunities Fund stock. As of the latest transaction made, American Portfolios Advisors holds 46,797 shares of GOF stock, worth $716,930. This represents 0.03% of its overall portfolio holdings.
Number of Shares
46,797Holding current value
$716,930% of portfolio
19 transactions
Others Institutions Holding GOF
# of Institutions
162Shares Held
23.5MCall Options Held
0Put Options Held
Morgan Stanley New York, NY7.31MShares$112 Million0.01% of portfolio
Lpl Financial LLC Fort Mill, SC1.59MShares$24.4 Million0.01% of portfolio
Ubs Group Ag1.21MShares$18.5 Million0.0% of portfolio
Royal Bank Of Canada Toronto, A6807KShares$12.4 Million0.0% of portfolio
Verus Capital Partners, LLC Scottsdale, AZ721KShares$11 Million1.05% of portfolio
- Ticker GOF
- Exchange NYSE
- Sector Financial Services
- Industry Asset Management
- Description
- Guggenheim Strategic Opportunities Fund is a closed-ended balanced mutual fund launched and managed by Guggenheim Funds Investment Advisors, LLC. The fund is co-managed by Guggenheim Partners Investment Management LLC. It invests in public equity and fixed income markets across the globe. For its equity portion, the fund invests directly and thr...