Chris Davis Trip.Com Group LTD Transaction History
Davis Selected Advisers
- $16.8 Billion
- Q4 2024
A detailed history of Chris Davis (Davis Selected Advisers) transactions in Trip.Com Group LTD stock. As of the latest transaction made, Davis Selected Advisers holds 3,747,161 shares of TCOM stock, worth $239 Million. This represents 1.53% of its overall portfolio holdings.
Number of Shares
Previous 3,746,822
Holding current value
$239 Million
Previous $223 Million
% of portfolio
Previous 1.28%
11 transactions
Others Institutions Holding TCOM
# of Institutions
462Shares Held
239MCall Options Held
2.6MPut Options Held
Capital World Investors Los Angeles, CA46.6MShares$2.98 Billion0.51% of portfolio
Morgan Stanley New York, NY22.1MShares$1.41 Billion0.11% of portfolio
Schroder Investment Management Group London, X010.2MShares$651 Million0.7% of portfolio
Sanders Capital, LLC West Palm Beach, FL9.7MShares$619 Million0.98% of portfolio
Fil LTD Hamilton, D08.45MShares$540 Million0.59% of portfolio
About Group Ltd
- Ticker TCOM
- Exchange OTC
- Sector Consumer Cyclical
- Industry Travel Services
- Shares Outstandng 641,753,984
- Market Cap $41B
- Description
- Group Limited operates as a travel service provider for accommodation reservation, transportation ticketing, packaged tours and in-destination, corporate travel management, and other travel-related services in China and internationally. The company acts as an agent for hotel-related transactions and selling air tickets, as well as provi...