Drake & Associates, LLC Virtus ETF Tr Ii Seix Sr Ln Et Transaction History
Drake & Associates, LLC
- $342 Million
- Q4 2024
A detailed history of Drake & Associates, LLC transactions in Virtus ETF Tr Ii Seix Sr Ln Et stock. As of the latest transaction made, Drake & Associates, LLC holds 740,705 shares of SEIX stock, worth $17.8 Million. This represents 5.18% of its overall portfolio holdings.
Number of Shares
740,705Holding current value
$17.8 Million% of portfolio
1 transactions
Others Institutions Holding SEIX
# of Institutions
65Shares Held
4.14MCall Options Held
0Put Options Held
Ignite Planners, LLC282KShares$6.77 Million1.56% of portfolio
Hightower 6 M Holding, LLC258KShares$6.18 Million0.54% of portfolio
Ae Wealth Management LLC247KShares$5.92 Million0.06% of portfolio
Foundations Investment Advisors, LLC234KShares$5.62 Million0.12% of portfolio
Virtus Fund Advisers, LLC Hartford, CT210KShares$5.04 Million24.78% of portfolio