Empyrean Capital Partners, LP Hallador Energy CO Transaction History
Empyrean Capital Partners, LP
- $1.81 Billion
- Q4 2024
A detailed history of Empyrean Capital Partners, LP transactions in Hallador Energy CO stock. As of the latest transaction made, Empyrean Capital Partners, LP holds 1,325,000 shares of HNRG stock, worth $12.8 Million. This represents 0.84% of its overall portfolio holdings.
Number of Shares
Previous 775,000
Holding current value
$12.8 Million
Previous $7.31 Million
% of portfolio
Previous 0.36%
3 transactions
Others Institutions Holding HNRG
# of Institutions
137Shares Held
22MCall Options Held
819KPut Options Held
Aegis Financial Corp Mc Lean, VA2.02MShares$19.5 Million19.93% of portfolio
Dimensional Fund Advisors LP Austin, TX1.88MShares$18.2 Million0.01% of portfolio
Black Rock Inc. New York, NY1.74MShares$16.8 Million0.0% of portfolio
Vanguard Group Inc Valley Forge, PA1.63MShares$15.7 Million0.0% of portfolio
Steven Cohen Point72 Asset Management, L.P. | Stamford, Ct1.1MShares$10.6 Million0.03% of portfolio
- Ticker HNRG
- Exchange NASDAQ
- Sector Energy
- Industry Thermal Coal
- Shares Outstandng 32,982,600
- Market Cap $319M
- Description
- Hallador Energy Company, through its subsidiaries, engages in the production of steam coal in the State of Indiana for the electric power generation industry. The company owns the Oaktown Mine 1 and Oaktown Mine 2 underground mines in Oaktown, Indiana; and Ace in the Hole mine located near Clay City, Indiana. It is also involved in gas explorati...