Exane Derivatives Newmont Corp Transaction History
Exane Derivatives
- $157 Million
- Q2 2022
A detailed history of Exane Derivatives transactions in Newmont Corp stock. As of the latest transaction made, Exane Derivatives holds 1,857 shares of NEM stock, worth $83,267. This represents 0.07% of its overall portfolio holdings.
Number of Shares
Previous 8,181
Holding current value
Previous $649,000
% of portfolio
Previous 0.2%
15 transactions
Others Institutions Holding NEM
# of Institutions
1,318Shares Held
769MCall Options Held
24.9MPut Options Held
Vanguard Group Inc Valley Forge, PA136MShares$6.08 Billion0.13% of portfolio
Black Rock Inc. New York, NY119MShares$5.35 Billion0.11% of portfolio
Van Eck Associates Corp49.7MShares$2.23 Billion2.37% of portfolio
State Street Corp Boston, MA48.8MShares$2.19 Billion0.11% of portfolio
Geode Capital Management, LLC Boston, MA23.5MShares$1.05 Billion0.1% of portfolio
About NEWMONT Corp
- Ticker NEM
- Exchange NYSE
- Sector Basic Materials
- Industry Gold
- Shares Outstandng 793,681,024
- Market Cap $35.6B
- Description
- Newmont Corporation engages in the production and exploration of gold. It also explores for copper, silver, zinc, and lead. The company has operations and/or assets in the United States, Canada, Mexico, Dominican Republic, Peru, Suriname, Argentina, Chile, Australia, and Ghana. As of December 31, 2021, it had proven and probable gold reserves of...