Farmer Steven Patrick Sprott Physical Uran (Canada) Transaction History
Farmer Steven Patrick
- $6.42 Billion
- Q2 2022
A detailed history of Farmer Steven Patrick transactions in Sprott Physical Uran (Canada) stock. As of the latest transaction made, Farmer Steven Patrick holds 33,531 shares of SRUUF stock, worth $541,525. This represents 0.01% of its overall portfolio holdings.
Number of Shares
33,531Holding current value
$541,525% of portfolio
1 transactions
Others Institutions Holding SRUUF
# of Institutions
8Shares Held
1.32MCall Options Held
0Put Options Held
Rye Brook Capital LLC640KShares$10.3 Million13.26% of portfolio
Scopus Asset Management, L.P. New York, NY549KShares$8.87 Million0.21% of portfolio
O'Brien Greene & Co. Inc Media, PA76.6KShares$1.24 Million0.45% of portfolio
Ancora Advisors, LLC Cleveland, OH16.5KShares$266,4750.01% of portfolio
Lummis Asset Management, LP Fort Worth, TX900Shares$14,5340.02% of portfolio