Fermata Advisors, LLC Cambria Foreign Shareholder Yi Transaction History
Fermata Advisors, LLC
- $510 Million
- Q4 2024
A detailed history of Fermata Advisors, LLC transactions in Cambria Foreign Shareholder Yi stock. As of the latest transaction made, Fermata Advisors, LLC holds 168,227 shares of FYLD stock, worth $4.58 Million. This represents 0.83% of its overall portfolio holdings.
Number of Shares
Previous 174,442
Holding current value
$4.58 Million
Previous $4.86 Million
% of portfolio
Previous 1.0%
13 transactions
Others Institutions Holding FYLD
# of Institutions
67Shares Held
10.4MCall Options Held
0Put Options Held
Smith Anglin Financial, LLC2.31MShares$62.9 Million5.58% of portfolio
Raymond James & Associates St Petersburg, FL581KShares$15.8 Million0.01% of portfolio
Intellus Advisors LLC Naples, FL509KShares$13.9 Million2.22% of portfolio
Cwm, LLC508KShares$13.9 Million0.05% of portfolio
Rothschild Investment LLC Chicago, IL478KShares$13 Million0.79% of portfolio