Financial Gravity Companies, Inc. Listed Fds Tr Trueshares Low V Transaction History
Financial Gravity Companies, Inc.
- $374 Billion
- Q3 2024
A detailed history of Financial Gravity Companies, Inc. transactions in Listed Fds Tr Trueshares Low V stock. As of the latest transaction made, Financial Gravity Companies, Inc. holds 10,674 shares of DIVZ stock, worth $345,517. This represents 0.09% of its overall portfolio holdings.
Number of Shares
10,674Holding current value
$345,517% of portfolio
1 transactions
Others Institutions Holding DIVZ
# of Institutions
16Shares Held
4.65MCall Options Held
0Put Options Held
49 Wealth Management, LLC Austin, TX1.84MShares$59.7 Million9.9% of portfolio
Titleist Asset Management, Ltd. San Antonio, TX1.11MShares$35.8 Million7.51% of portfolio
Titleist Asset Management, LLC San Antonio, TX954KShares$30.9 Million4.53% of portfolio
Weaver Consulting Group630KShares$20.4 Million7.24% of portfolio
Ahrens Investment Partners LLC24.7KShares$798,7290.34% of portfolio