Geo Wealth Management, LLC Bank Bradesco Transaction History
Geo Wealth Management, LLC
- $2.92 Billion
- Q4 2024
A detailed history of Geo Wealth Management, LLC transactions in Bank Bradesco stock. As of the latest transaction made, Geo Wealth Management, LLC holds 51,037 shares of BBD stock, worth $117,385. This represents 0.0% of its overall portfolio holdings.
Number of Shares
Previous 36,120
Holding current value
Previous $96,000
% of portfolio
Previous 0.0%
6 transactions
Others Institutions Holding BBD
# of Institutions
253Shares Held
955MCall Options Held
3.26MPut Options Held
Massachusetts Financial Services CO Boston, MA100MShares$230 Million0.06% of portfolio
Arga Investment Management, LP82.8MShares$191 Million5.32% of portfolio
Ken Fisher Fisher Asset Management, LLC | Camas, Wa75.9MShares$175 Million0.06% of portfolio
Black Rock Inc. New York, NY73.4MShares$169 Million0.0% of portfolio
Arrowstreet Capital, Limited Partnership Boston, MA50.8MShares$117 Million0.08% of portfolio
- Ticker BBD
- Exchange NYSE
- Sector Financial Services
- Industry Banks—Regional
- Shares Outstandng 10,658,499,584
- Market Cap $24.5B
- Description
- Banco Bradesco S.A., together with its subsidiaries, provides various banking products and services to individuals, corporates, and businesses in Brazil and internationally. The company operates through two segment, Banking and Insurance. It provides current, savings, click, and salary accounts; real estate credit, vehicle financing, payroll loa...