Hap Trading, LLC World Wrestling Entertainmentinc Transaction History
Hap Trading, LLC
- $1.15 Trillion
- Q4 2024
A detailed history of Hap Trading, LLC transactions in World Wrestling Entertainmentinc stock. As of the latest transaction made, Hap Trading, LLC holds 435,800 shares of WWE stock, worth $0. This represents 0.81% of its overall portfolio holdings.
Number of Shares
435,800Holding current value
$0% of portfolio
0 transactions
Quarter | Operation | Price Per share | shares change | shares Held | SEC Form |
Others Institutions Holding WWE
# of Institutions
12Shares Held
893KCall Options Held
0Put Options Held
Zeke Capital Advisors, LLC Berwyn, PA838KShares$03.76% of portfolio
Crosspoint Capital Strategies, LLC Orinda, CA17.3KShares$02.35% of portfolio
Eaton Vance Management Boston, MA12.5KShares$00.0% of portfolio
Pfs Investments Inc. Duluth, GA8.62KShares$00.02% of portfolio
Balasa Dinverno & Foltz LLC Itasca, IL8.6KShares$00.04% of portfolio
- Ticker WWE
- Exchange NYSE
- Sector Communication Services
- Industry Entertainment
- Shares Outstandng 31,099,000
- Description
- World Wrestling Entertainment, Inc., an integrated media and entertainment company, engages in the sports entertainment business in North America, Europe, the Middle East, Africa, the Asia Pacific, and Latin America. It operates through three segments: Media, Live Events, and Consumer Products. The Media segment engages in the production and mon...