Hm Capital Management, LLC Proshares Tr Proshares Ultrapr Transaction History
Hm Capital Management, LLC
- $167 Million
- Q3 2022
A detailed history of Hm Capital Management, LLC transactions in Proshares Tr Proshares Ultrapr stock. As of the latest transaction made, Hm Capital Management, LLC holds 303,183 shares of SPXU stock, worth $7.27 Million. This represents 4.07% of its overall portfolio holdings.
Number of Shares
Previous 606,366
Holding current value
$7.27 Million
Previous $12.3 Million
% of portfolio
Previous 6.84%
4 transactions
Others Institutions Holding SPXU
# of Institutions
10Shares Held
990KCall Options Held
1KPut Options Held
Morgan Jess S & CO Inc539KShares$12.9 Million10.52% of portfolio
Bluestein R H & CO LLC Birmingham, MI64.7KShares$1.55 Million0.09% of portfolio
Drw Securities, L.L.C. Chicago, IL63KShares$1.51 Million0.03% of portfolio
Laurel Wealth Advisors, Inc. Solana Beach, CA15.8KShares$378,1260.03% of portfolio
Cutler Group LP3.56KShares$85,2130.01% of portfolio