Inspire Investing, LLC Northern Lts Fd Tr Iv Inspire Transaction History
Inspire Investing, LLC
- $858 Million
- Q4 2024
A detailed history of Inspire Investing, LLC transactions in Northern Lts Fd Tr Iv Inspire stock. As of the latest transaction made, Inspire Investing, LLC holds 549,227 shares of IBD stock, worth $13 Million. This represents 1.5% of its overall portfolio holdings.
Number of Shares
Previous 830,385
Holding current value
$13 Million
Previous $20 Million
% of portfolio
Previous 2.08%
33 transactions
Others Institutions Holding IBD
# of Institutions
88Shares Held
12.3MCall Options Held
0Put Options Held
Inspire Advisors, LLC Meridian, ID2.98MShares$70.4 Million9.68% of portfolio
Ambassador Advisors, LLC Lancaster, PA1.44MShares$34.2 Million6.15% of portfolio
Christian Investment Advisors, Inc. New Braunfels, TX858KShares$20.3 Million14.55% of portfolio
Atria Investments LLC Charlotte, NC704KShares$16.7 Million0.22% of portfolio
Creative Financial Designs Inc680KShares$16.1 Million1.33% of portfolio