J Arnold Wealth Management CO Capital Group Intl Focus Equit Transaction History
J Arnold Wealth Management CO
- $291 Million
- Q4 2023
A detailed history of J Arnold Wealth Management CO transactions in Capital Group Intl Focus Equit stock. As of the latest transaction made, J Arnold Wealth Management CO holds 32,540 shares of CGXU stock, worth $843,762. This represents 0.27% of its overall portfolio holdings.
Number of Shares
32,540Holding current value
$843,762% of portfolio
1 transactions
Others Institutions Holding CGXU
# of Institutions
260Shares Held
98.9MCall Options Held
0Put Options Held
Captrust Financial Advisors Raleigh, NC9.18MShares$238 Million0.75% of portfolio
Northwestern Mutual Wealth Management CO6.73MShares$174 Million0.14% of portfolio
Wells Fargo & Company San Francisco, CA5.75MShares$149 Million0.03% of portfolio
Raymond James Financial Inc St. Petersburg, FL4.36MShares$113 Million0.04% of portfolio
Ubs Group Ag4.3MShares$112 Million0.03% of portfolio