Jane Street Group, LLC Virtus ETF Tr Ii Virtus Newfle Transaction History
Jane Street Group, LLC
- $444 Billion
- Q4 2024
A detailed history of Jane Street Group, LLC transactions in Virtus ETF Tr Ii Virtus Newfle stock. As of the latest transaction made, Jane Street Group, LLC holds 19,315 shares of VABS stock, worth $0. This represents 0.0% of its overall portfolio holdings.
Number of Shares
Previous 41,624
Holding current value
Previous $0
% of portfolio
Previous 0.0%
15 transactions
Others Institutions Holding VABS
# of Institutions
6Shares Held
243KCall Options Held
0Put Options Held
Palladiem, LLC152KShares$00.0% of portfolio
Pfg Advisors37KShares$00.0% of portfolio
Aaron Wealth Advisors LLC21.6KShares$00.0% of portfolio
High Tower Advisors, LLC Chicago, IL12.9KShares$00.0% of portfolio
Concourse Financial Group Securities, Inc. Birmingham, AL0Shares$00.0% of portfolio