Kistler Tiffany Companies, LLC Ssga Active Trust Transaction History
Kistler Tiffany Companies, LLC
- $615 Million
- Q2 2023
A detailed history of Kistler Tiffany Companies, LLC transactions in Ssga Active Trust stock. As of the latest transaction made, Kistler Tiffany Companies, LLC holds 8,680 shares of SRLN stock, worth $357,963. This represents 0.06% of its overall portfolio holdings.
Number of Shares
8,680Holding current value
$357,963% of portfolio
1 transactions
Others Institutions Holding SRLN
# of Institutions
573Shares Held
139MCall Options Held
48.3KPut Options Held
Bank Of America Corp Charlotte, NC10.7MShares$441 Million0.04% of portfolio
Wright Fund Management, LLC Santa Monica, CA7.83MShares$323 Million11.19% of portfolio
Arizona Psprs Trust Phoenix, AZ7.74MShares$319 Million10.41% of portfolio
Morgan Stanley New York, NY7.43MShares$306 Million0.02% of portfolio
Goldman Sachs Group Inc New York, NY6.86MShares$283 Million0.05% of portfolio