Lfs Asset Management Abrdn Etfs Abrdn Bloomberg All Transaction History
Lfs Asset Management
- $99.1 Million
- Q3 2022
A detailed history of Lfs Asset Management transactions in Abrdn Etfs Abrdn Bloomberg All stock. As of the latest transaction made, Lfs Asset Management holds 65,559 shares of BCI stock, worth $1.37 Million. This represents 1.71% of its overall portfolio holdings.
Number of Shares
65,559Holding current value
$1.37 Million% of portfolio
1 transactions
Others Institutions Holding BCI
# of Institutions
132Shares Held
46.6MCall Options Held
0Put Options Held
Sei Investments CO Oaks, PA9.87MShares$206 Million0.26% of portfolio
Wells Fargo & Company San Francisco, CA8.89MShares$186 Million0.04% of portfolio
Metis Global Partners, LLC6.06MShares$127 Million3.68% of portfolio
Argi Investment Services, LLC3.05MShares$63.8 Million5.27% of portfolio
Perella Weinberg Partners Capital Management LP1.74MShares$36.4 Million3.68% of portfolio