Lfs Asset Management Proshares Tr Ultrapro Short Qq Transaction History
Lfs Asset Management
- $99.1 Million
- Q3 2022
A detailed history of Lfs Asset Management transactions in Proshares Tr Ultrapro Short Qq stock. As of the latest transaction made, Lfs Asset Management holds 21,773 shares of SQQQ stock, worth $792,537. This represents 1.35% of its overall portfolio holdings.
Number of Shares
21,773Holding current value
$792,537% of portfolio
1 transactions
Others Institutions Holding SQQQ
# of Institutions
14Shares Held
394KCall Options Held
8.4KPut Options Held
Morgan Jess S & CO Inc84.9KShares$3.09 Million4.53% of portfolio
Drw Securities, L.L.C. Chicago, IL76KShares$2.77 Million0.1% of portfolio
Qcm Cayman, Ltd.66.2KShares$2.41 Million14.15% of portfolio
Pathstone Family Office, LLC Englewood, NJ64.2KShares$2.34 Million0.01% of portfolio
Trellus Management Company, LLC41KShares$1.49 Million1.2% of portfolio