Lorne Steinberg Wealth Management Inc. Bce Inc Transaction History
Lorne Steinberg Wealth Management Inc.
- $322 Million
- Q4 2024
A detailed history of Lorne Steinberg Wealth Management Inc. transactions in Bce Inc stock. As of the latest transaction made, Lorne Steinberg Wealth Management Inc. holds 103,919 shares of BCE stock, worth $2.58 Million. This represents 0.75% of its overall portfolio holdings.
Number of Shares
Previous 112,872
Holding current value
$2.58 Million
Previous $3.93 Million
% of portfolio
Previous 1.22%
17 transactions
Others Institutions Holding BCE
# of Institutions
507Shares Held
369MCall Options Held
22.6MPut Options Held
Royal Bank Of Canada Toronto, A654MShares$1.34 Billion0.26% of portfolio
Bank Of Montreal Toronto, A637MShares$917 Million0.42% of portfolio
Fil LTD Hamilton, D026.3MShares$652 Million0.62% of portfolio
Cibc World Market Inc. Toronto, A624.4MShares$606 Million1.19% of portfolio
Bank Of Nova Scotia19.9MShares$495 Million0.89% of portfolio
- Ticker BCE
- Exchange OTC
- Sector Communication Services
- Industry Telecom Services
- Shares Outstandng 911,934,016
- Market Cap $22.6B
- Description
- BCE Inc., a telecommunications and media company, provides wireless, wireline, Internet, and television (TV) services to residential, business, and wholesale customers in Canada. The company operates through three segments: Bell Wireless, Bell Wireline, and Bell Media. The Bell Wireless segment offers wireless voice and data communication produc...