Mml Investors Services, LLC Pacer Fds Tr Us Export Leaders Transaction History
Mml Investors Services, LLC
- $29 Billion
- Q4 2024
A detailed history of Mml Investors Services, LLC transactions in Pacer Fds Tr Us Export Leaders stock. As of the latest transaction made, Mml Investors Services, LLC holds 21,330 shares of PEXL stock, worth $1.01 Million. This represents 0.0% of its overall portfolio holdings.
Number of Shares
Previous 20,616
Holding current value
$1.01 Million
Previous $1.04 Million
% of portfolio
Previous 0.0%
7 transactions
Others Institutions Holding PEXL
# of Institutions
24Shares Held
615KCall Options Held
0Put Options Held
Lpl Financial LLC Fort Mill, SC143KShares$6.78 Million0.0% of portfolio
Aveo Capital Partners, LLC117KShares$5.54 Million0.66% of portfolio
Cambridge Investment Research Advisors, Inc.84.1KShares$4 Million0.01% of portfolio
Thoroughbred Financial Services, LLC68.1KShares$3.24 Million0.2% of portfolio
Harbour Investments, Inc. Madison, WI54.7KShares$2.6 Million0.08% of portfolio