One Day In July LLC Ishares Barclays Transaction History
One Day In July LLC
- $954 Million
- Q4 2024
A detailed history of One Day In July LLC transactions in Ishares Barclays stock. As of the latest transaction made, One Day In July LLC holds 66,627 shares of IEF stock, worth $6.3 Million. This represents 0.65% of its overall portfolio holdings.
Number of Shares
Previous 70,577
Holding current value
$6.3 Million
Previous $6.93 Million
% of portfolio
Previous 0.76%
25 transactions
Others Institutions Holding IEF
# of Institutions
1,098Shares Held
294MCall Options Held
14.3MPut Options Held
Ken Fisher Fisher Asset Management, LLC | Camas, Wa49.2MShares$4.66 Billion1.84% of portfolio
Jpmorgan Chase & CO New York, NY26.7MShares$2.53 Billion0.2% of portfolio
Wealthfront Advisers LLC15.6MShares$1.48 Billion1.2% of portfolio
Envestnet Asset Management Inc12.2MShares$1.16 Billion0.37% of portfolio
Ameriprise Financial Inc Minneapolis, MN11.6MShares$1.1 Billion0.29% of portfolio