Personal Cfo Solutions, LLC Innovator U.S. Equity Buffer E Transaction History
Personal Cfo Solutions, LLC
- $704 Million
- Q3 2024
A detailed history of Personal Cfo Solutions, LLC transactions in Innovator U.S. Equity Buffer E stock. As of the latest transaction made, Personal Cfo Solutions, LLC holds 262,866 shares of BJUL stock, worth $11.9 Million. This represents 1.63% of its overall portfolio holdings.
Number of Shares
262,866Holding current value
$11.9 Million% of portfolio
4 transactions
Others Institutions Holding BJUL
# of Institutions
115Shares Held
3.97MCall Options Held
0Put Options Held
Commonwealth Equity Services, LLC575KShares$26.1 Million0.04% of portfolio
Penserra Capital Management LLC Orinda, CA301KShares$13.7 Million0.28% of portfolio
Integral Investment Advisors, Inc.252KShares$11.4 Million3.03% of portfolio
Advisor Group Holdings, Inc. Phoenix, AZ197KShares$8.97 Million0.02% of portfolio
High Tower Advisors, LLC Chicago, IL190KShares$8.62 Million0.01% of portfolio