Point72 (Difc) LTD Gorman Rupp CO Transaction History
Point72 (Difc) LTD
- $2.95 Trillion
- Q3 2024
A detailed history of Point72 (Difc) LTD transactions in Gorman Rupp CO stock. As of the latest transaction made, Point72 (Difc) LTD holds 579 shares of GRC stock, worth $21,336. This represents 0.0% of its overall portfolio holdings.
Number of Shares
579Holding current value
$21,336% of portfolio
2 transactions
Others Institutions Holding GRC
# of Institutions
181Shares Held
15.9MCall Options Held
3.2KPut Options Held
Vanguard Group Inc Valley Forge, PA2.18MShares$80.5 Million0.0% of portfolio
Black Rock Inc. New York, NY1.6MShares$59.1 Million0.0% of portfolio
Dimensional Fund Advisors LP Austin, TX1.34MShares$49.4 Million0.01% of portfolio
Mechanics Financial Corp1.01MShares$37.3 Million17.37% of portfolio
Gabelli Funds LLC Rye, NY771KShares$28.4 Million0.23% of portfolio
- Ticker GRC
- Exchange NYSE
- Sector Industrials
- Industry Specialty Industrial Machinery
- Shares Outstandng 26,094,900
- Market Cap $962M
- Description
- The Gorman-Rupp Company designs, manufactures, and sells pumps and pump systems in the United States and internationally. The company's products include self-priming centrifugal, standard centrifugal, magnetic drive centrifugal, axial and mixed flow, vertical turbine line shaft, submersible, high pressure booster, rotary gear, diaphragm, bellows...