Quadrature Capital LTD Federal Agricultural Mortgage Corp Transaction History
Quadrature Capital LTD
- $4.41 Trillion
- Q3 2024
A detailed history of Quadrature Capital LTD transactions in Federal Agricultural Mortgage Corp stock. As of the latest transaction made, Quadrature Capital LTD holds 2,859 shares of AGM stock, worth $573,772. This represents 0.01% of its overall portfolio holdings.
Number of Shares
2,859Holding current value
$573,772% of portfolio
5 transactions
Others Institutions Holding AGM
# of Institutions
264Shares Held
7.22MCall Options Held
36.3KPut Options Held
Black Rock Inc. New York, NY776KShares$156 Million0.0% of portfolio
Vanguard Group Inc Valley Forge, PA559KShares$112 Million0.0% of portfolio
Dimensional Fund Advisors LP Austin, TX433KShares$86.8 Million0.02% of portfolio
Boston Partners Boston, MA416KShares$83.4 Million0.11% of portfolio
Thrivent Financial For Lutherans Minneapolis, MN356KShares$71.4 Million0.14% of portfolio
- Ticker AGM
- Exchange NYSE
- Sector Financial Services
- Industry Credit Services
- Shares Outstandng 9,266,340
- Market Cap $1.86B
- Description
- Federal Agricultural Mortgage Corporation provides a secondary market for various loans made to borrowers in the United States. It operates through four segments: Farm & Ranch, USDA (United States Department of Agriculture) Guarantees, Rural Utilities, and Institutional Credit. The Farm & Ranch segment purchases and retains eligible mort...