Relaxing Retirement Coach Schwab Fundamental U S Small C Transaction History
Relaxing Retirement Coach
- $320 Million
- Q2 2023
A detailed history of Relaxing Retirement Coach transactions in Schwab Fundamental U S Small C stock. As of the latest transaction made, Relaxing Retirement Coach holds 4,289 shares of FNDA stock, worth $131,715. This represents 0.07% of its overall portfolio holdings.
Number of Shares
Previous 4,540
Holding current value
Previous $220,000
% of portfolio
Previous 0.08%
22 transactions
Others Institutions Holding FNDA
# of Institutions
430Shares Held
129MCall Options Held
0Put Options Held
Charles Schwab Investment Management Inc San Francisco, CA98.8MShares$3.03 Billion1.14% of portfolio
Clarius Group, LLC Seattle, WA1.99MShares$61.2 Million4.12% of portfolio
Prairiewood Capital, LLC1.45MShares$44.6 Million18.49% of portfolio
Trilogy Capital Inc.1.3MShares$39.8 Million2.04% of portfolio
Waddell & Associates, LLC1.28MShares$39.4 Million9.38% of portfolio