Rosenblum Silverman Sutton S F Inc Dynatrace, Inc. Transaction History
Rosenblum Silverman Sutton S F Inc
- $383 Million
- Q4 2024
A detailed history of Rosenblum Silverman Sutton S F Inc transactions in Dynatrace, Inc. stock. As of the latest transaction made, Rosenblum Silverman Sutton S F Inc holds 67,736 shares of DT stock, worth $3.78 Million. This represents 0.96% of its overall portfolio holdings.
Number of Shares
Previous 70,936
Holding current value
$3.78 Million
Previous $3.79 Million
% of portfolio
Previous 1.01%
15 transactions
Others Institutions Holding DT
# of Institutions
645Shares Held
274MCall Options Held
3MPut Options Held
Vanguard Group Inc Valley Forge, PA30.2MShares$1.68 Billion0.03% of portfolio
Black Rock Inc. New York, NY27.6MShares$1.54 Billion0.03% of portfolio
Price T Rowe Associates Inc Baltimore, MD17.8MShares$993 Million0.11% of portfolio
Brown Advisory Inc14.1MShares$787 Million1.02% of portfolio
State Street Corp Boston, MA10.2MShares$566 Million0.02% of portfolio
About Dynatrace, Inc.
- Ticker DT
- Exchange NYSE
- Sector Technology
- Industry Software—Application
- Shares Outstandng 287,340,000
- Market Cap $16B
- Description
- Dynatrace, Inc. provides a software intelligence platform for dynamic multi-cloud environments. It operates Dynatrace, a software intelligence platform, which provides application and microservices monitoring, runtime application security, infrastructure monitoring, digital experience monitoring, business analytics, and cloud automation. Its pla...