S.A. Mason LLC Adyen N V (Netherlands) Transaction History
S.A. Mason LLC
- $186 Million
- Q4 2024
A detailed history of S.A. Mason LLC transactions in Adyen N V (Netherlands) stock. As of the latest transaction made, S.A. Mason LLC holds 980 shares of ADYEY stock, worth $16,170. This represents 0.01% of its overall portfolio holdings.
Number of Shares
980Holding current value
$16,170% of portfolio
1 transactions
Others Institutions Holding ADYEY
# of Institutions
15Shares Held
2.9MCall Options Held
0Put Options Held
Glynn Capital Management LLC1.26MShares$20.8 Million5.43% of portfolio
Vigilant Capital Management, LLC793KShares$13.1 Million1.02% of portfolio
Sterling Capital Management LLC Charlotte, NC322KShares$5.31 Million0.07% of portfolio
North Star Asset Management Inc278KShares$4.58 Million0.19% of portfolio
Sit Investment Associates Inc Minneapolis, MN162KShares$2.68 Million0.05% of portfolio
- Ticker ADYEY
- Sector Technology
- Industry Software—Infrastructure
- Shares Outstandng 3,098,190,080
- Market Cap $51.1B