Smith, Moore & Co. First Tr Exchange Traded Fd Vi Transaction History
Smith, Moore & Co.
- $1.05 Billion
- Q4 2024
A detailed history of Smith, Moore & Co. transactions in First Tr Exchange Traded Fd Vi stock. As of the latest transaction made, Smith, Moore & Co. holds 15,076 shares of AFMC stock, worth $454,842. This represents 0.05% of its overall portfolio holdings.
Number of Shares
Previous 12,206
Holding current value
Previous $393,000
% of portfolio
Previous 0.04%
9 transactions
Others Institutions Holding AFMC
# of Institutions
18Shares Held
514KCall Options Held
0Put Options Held
Cambridge Investment Research Advisors, Inc.264KShares$7.97 Million0.03% of portfolio
Kestra Advisory Services, LLC70.8KShares$2.14 Million0.01% of portfolio
Tower Research Capital LLC (Trc) New York, NY29.6KShares$894,2080.02% of portfolio
World Equity Group, Inc. Schaumburg, IL24.1KShares$725,8290.16% of portfolio
Prosperity Financial Group, Inc. San Ramon, CA23.8KShares$717,8040.37% of portfolio