Strategic Wealth Advisors Group, LLC Proshares Short Russell2000 Transaction History
Strategic Wealth Advisors Group, LLC
- $2.33 Billion
- Q3 2022
A detailed history of Strategic Wealth Advisors Group, LLC transactions in Proshares Short Russell2000 stock. As of the latest transaction made, Strategic Wealth Advisors Group, LLC holds 23,700 shares of RWM stock, worth $435,132. This represents 0.03% of its overall portfolio holdings.
Number of Shares
23,700Holding current value
$435,132% of portfolio
1 transactions
Others Institutions Holding RWM
# of Institutions
46Shares Held
3.02MCall Options Held
12.6KPut Options Held
Leuthold Group, LLC479KShares$8.79 Million1.02% of portfolio
Ubs Group Ag356KShares$6.54 Million0.0% of portfolio
One Plus One Wealth Management, LLC356KShares$6.54 Million3.92% of portfolio
Advisory Services Network, LLC243KShares$4.46 Million0.09% of portfolio
Morgan Stanley New York, NY221KShares$4.05 Million0.0% of portfolio