A detailed history of Symmetry Investments LP transactions in Blackstone Inc. stock. As of the latest transaction made, Symmetry Investments LP holds 20,000 shares of BX stock, worth $2.76 Million. This represents 0.42% of its overall portfolio holdings.

Number of Shares
Holding current value
$2.76 Million
% of portfolio


0 transactions
Quarter Operation Price Per share shares change shares Held SEC Form

Others Institutions Holding BX

About Blackstone Inc.

  • Ticker BX
  • Exchange NYSE
  • Sector Financial Services
  • Industry Asset Management
  • Shares Outstandng 709,041,024
  • Market Cap $97.9B
  • Description
  • Blackstone Inc. is an alternative asset management firm specializing in real estate, private equity, hedge fund solutions, credit, secondary funds of funds, public debt and equity and multi-asset class strategies. The firm typically invests in early-stage companies. It also provide capital markets services. The real estate segment specializes in...
More about BX
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