Tower Research Capital LLC (Trc) Vanguard Wellington Fd Transaction History
Tower Research Capital LLC (Trc)
- $4.87 Billion
- Q4 2024
A detailed history of Tower Research Capital LLC (Trc) transactions in Vanguard Wellington Fd stock. As of the latest transaction made, Tower Research Capital LLC (Trc) holds 278 shares of VFMV stock, worth $35,419. This represents 0.0% of its overall portfolio holdings.
Number of Shares
278Holding current value
$35,419% of portfolio
3 transactions
Others Institutions Holding VFMV
# of Institutions
46Shares Held
753KCall Options Held
0Put Options Held
Anderson Hoagland & CO179KShares$22.8 Million2.32% of portfolio
Foundations Investment Advisors, LLC101KShares$12.9 Million0.25% of portfolio
New Edge Advisors, LLC New Orleans, LA68.4KShares$8.72 Million0.05% of portfolio
Martin Worley Group Cottonwood Heights, UT58KShares$7.39 Million4.37% of portfolio
Milestone Advisory Partners40.8KShares$5.19 Million3.27% of portfolio