David A. Siegel Under Armour, Inc. Transaction History
Two Sigma Advisers, LP
- $41.3 Billion
- Q3 2024
A detailed history of David A. Siegel (Two Sigma Advisers, LP) transactions in Under Armour, Inc. stock. As of the latest transaction made, Two Sigma Advisers, LP holds 644,800 shares of UAA stock, worth $4.71 Million. This represents 0.01% of its overall portfolio holdings.
Number of Shares
644,800Holding current value
$4.71 Million% of portfolio
23 transactions
Others Institutions Holding UAA
# of Institutions
452Shares Held
163MCall Options Held
3.07MPut Options Held
Black Rock Inc. New York, NY16.3MShares$119 Million0.0% of portfolio
Vanguard Group Inc Valley Forge, PA15.3MShares$112 Million0.0% of portfolio
Dimensional Fund Advisors LP Austin, TX10.3MShares$75.1 Million0.02% of portfolio
Fil LTD Hamilton, D07.35MShares$53.7 Million0.06% of portfolio
Prem Watsa Fairfax Financial Holdings LTD | Toronto, A66.31MShares$46.1 Million5.12% of portfolio
About Under Armour, Inc.
- Ticker UAA
- Exchange NYSE
- Sector Consumer Cyclical
- Industry Apparel Manufacturing
- Shares Outstandng 188,688,992
- Market Cap $1.38B
- Description
- Under Armour, Inc., together with its subsidiaries, engages in the developing, marketing, and distributing performance apparel, footwear, and accessories for men, women, and youth. The company offers its apparel in compression, fitted, and loose fit types. It also provides footwear products for running, training, basketball, cleated sports, reco...