Unique Wealth Strategies, LLC Ishares Msci World ETF Transaction History
Unique Wealth Strategies, LLC
- $213 Billion
- Q2 2024
A detailed history of Unique Wealth Strategies, LLC transactions in Ishares Msci World ETF stock. As of the latest transaction made, Unique Wealth Strategies, LLC holds 3,501 shares of URTH stock, worth $543,460. This represents 0.24% of its overall portfolio holdings.
Number of Shares
Previous 3,501
Holding current value
Previous $507 Million
% of portfolio
Previous 0.25%
2 transactions
Others Institutions Holding URTH
# of Institutions
227Shares Held
9.36MCall Options Held
700Put Options Held
Royal Bank Of Canada Toronto, A61.35MShares$209 Million0.04% of portfolio
Bank Of America Corp Charlotte, NC742KShares$115 Million0.01% of portfolio
Prudential PLC London, England, X0635KShares$98.5 Million0.5% of portfolio
Sumitomo Mitsui Ds Asset Management Company, LTD617KShares$95.7 Million1.0% of portfolio
Goldman Sachs Group Inc New York, NY592KShares$92 Million0.02% of portfolio