Vivaldi Capital Management LP Vanguard Intermediate Term Cor Transaction History
Vivaldi Capital Management LP
- $636 Million
- Q4 2024
A detailed history of Vivaldi Capital Management LP transactions in Vanguard Intermediate Term Cor stock. As of the latest transaction made, Vivaldi Capital Management LP holds 2,864 shares of VCIT stock, worth $233,816. This represents 0.04% of its overall portfolio holdings.
Number of Shares
Previous 2,855
Holding current value
Previous $239,000
% of portfolio
Previous 0.07%
11 transactions
Others Institutions Holding VCIT
# of Institutions
1,276Shares Held
493MCall Options Held
29KPut Options Held
Ken Fisher Fisher Asset Management, LLC | Camas, Wa92.8MShares$7.57 Billion3.01% of portfolio
Bank Of America Corp Charlotte, NC63.7MShares$5.2 Billion0.44% of portfolio
Jpmorgan Chase & CO New York, NY50.2MShares$4.1 Billion0.33% of portfolio
Creative Planning Overland Park, KS24.6MShares$2.01 Billion1.93% of portfolio
Prudential PLC London, England, X019.8MShares$1.62 Billion8.12% of portfolio