Windsor Group LTD Proshares Ultra Russell 2000 Transaction History
Windsor Group LTD
- $546 Million
- Q3 2023
A detailed history of Windsor Group LTD transactions in Proshares Ultra Russell 2000 stock. As of the latest transaction made, Windsor Group LTD holds 26,036 shares of UWM stock, worth $1.14 Million. This represents 0.14% of its overall portfolio holdings.
Number of Shares
Previous 29,048
Holding current value
$1.14 Million
Previous $999,000
% of portfolio
Previous 0.18%
6 transactions
Others Institutions Holding UWM
# of Institutions
62Shares Held
823KCall Options Held
144KPut Options Held
Park Avenue Securities LLC197KShares$8.61 Million0.08% of portfolio
Toth Financial Advisory Corp65KShares$2.84 Million0.33% of portfolio
Quadrature Capital LTD London, X057.6KShares$2.52 Million0.06% of portfolio
Ci Private Wealth, LLC Miami, FL57.5KShares$2.51 Million0.0% of portfolio
Capital Investment Counsel, Inc53.8KShares$2.35 Million0.33% of portfolio