Wolverine Asset Management LLC Nextnav Inc Wt Exp Transaction History
Wolverine Asset Management LLC
- $5.17 Billion
- Q4 2024
A detailed history of Wolverine Asset Management LLC transactions in Nextnav Inc Wt Exp stock. As of the latest transaction made, Wolverine Asset Management LLC holds 56,329 shares of NNAVW stock, worth $193,771. This represents 0.01% of its overall portfolio holdings.
Number of Shares
56,329Holding current value
$193,771% of portfolio
7 transactions
Others Institutions Holding NNAVW
# of Institutions
17Shares Held
4.51MCall Options Held
121KPut Options Held
Barclays PLC London, X02.37MShares$8.14 Million0.0% of portfolio
Aristeia Capital LLC Greenwich, CT1MShares$3.46 Million0.41% of portfolio
Lmr Partners LLP London, X0216KShares$744,3020.01% of portfolio
Ancora Advisors, LLC Cleveland, OH190KShares$653,6000.03% of portfolio
Css LLC Chicago, IL184KShares$634,5690.1% of portfolio