Xtx Topco LTD Satixfy Communications LTD Sha Transaction History
Xtx Topco LTD
- $1.13 Billion
- Q4 2024
A detailed history of Xtx Topco LTD transactions in Satixfy Communications LTD Sha stock. As of the latest transaction made, Xtx Topco LTD holds 21,277 shares of SATX stock, worth $0. This represents 0.0% of its overall portfolio holdings.
Number of Shares
21,277Holding current value
$0% of portfolio
3 transactions
Others Institutions Holding SATX
# of Institutions
19Shares Held
14.9MCall Options Held
0Put Options Held
Francisco Partners Management, LP San Francisco, CA5.94MShares$00.0% of portfolio
Senvest Management, LLC New York, NY4.28MShares$00.0% of portfolio
Cohen & CO Financial Management, LLC New York, NY2.84MShares$0100.0% of portfolio
First Wilshire Securities Management Inc Pasadena, CA1.3MShares$00.54% of portfolio
Jim Simons Renaissance Technologies LLC | New York, Ny200KShares$00.0% of portfolio