Latest Institutional Transactions on Epizyme, Inc. (EPZM)
This table provides information on the latest institutional transactions involving Epizyme, Inc. (EPZM) stock. The table includes the name of the institution, the type of operation (buy or sell), whether options were involved, the number of shares exchanged, the range of values for the transaction, and the number of shares held by the institution after the transaction has occurred.
Report Date | Institution (Fund) | Operation | Option | Shares change | Value Range | Shares Held | Trade History |
Feb 14, 2018
Q4 2017
Blue Crest Capital Management LTD
St Helier, Y9 |
- |
-17.8KClosed |
$206K - $358K
Feb 01, 2018
Q4 2017
Nationwide Fund Advisors
- |
-43.3KClosed |
$500K - $870K